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GRT & SICA Go Gallivanting in Europe


Well, they did more than just gallivant!

SICA (South India Chef’s Association) is a fraternity of culinary professionals representing the finest hotels, restaurants and culinary institutions in South India. This independent, apolitical, voluntary and non-profit professional body organises events and training sessions throughout the year – to learn from each other, keep abreast of the latest trends in the industry, share knowledge, and engage students entering the profession as well.

The chefs at GRT Hotels & Resorts have been proud members of SICA for decades now, and when an opportunity to travel to Europe presented itself, they all jumped aboard!

The SICA Europe Culinary Tour 2017 saw 25 Corporate and Executive Chefs travel across Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Spain.

Along the way, they visited the facilities of kitchen-equipment companies including Blanco, MKN, Fonderia Finco, Electrolux and Salva.

They attended workshops, learned of all the avant-garde techniques and food trends, indulged in the most glorious meals, tasted the best cheeses, experienced some incredible dining settings, did some sightseeing, went on cruises, attended beer fests, and basically had a blast!

They have all come back armed with ideas to implement in their own restaurants, so expect to see some truly innovative cooking at the GRT Hotels & Resorts properties soon!

Here are some photographs from the memorable trip.


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